Welcome to Richmond Virginia and it's surrounding areas. This website is about Richmond bands, venues, music, the arts, people and lifestyles.

Find articles and stories on the Richmond area scene. Please feel free to leave us comments. Join the MusicRVA Forum

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Free Media Software for Joining Our New Forum

I would really like all of you to join the new forum and help make it grow.

Therefore I am bribing you with tools, software, and more, all related to media that you can use to enhance your sites, promote your bands and more!

All you have to do is join the new forum, activate your account and login, and you will find in your welcome mail on the forum your first 2 gifts:

Podcasting Made Easy and
Podcasting For Profit.

With this software you will learn about how to make your own Podcasts to broadcast from your website or MySpace page.

You can even resell it and make extra cash!

For current members, don't worry, you will each be sent the same downloads too, within the forum mail, and every couple weeks you will be sent new gifts.

If you are a current member, login and check your private messages box, I will send the current downloads there.

Upcoming gifts include several YouTube tools and software, as well as music and graphic media.

So what are you waiting for, join a great new forum and get these freebies now!

MusicRVA Forum

MusicRVA Forum

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