Welcome to Richmond Virginia and it's surrounding areas. This website is about Richmond bands, venues, music, the arts, people and lifestyles.

Find articles and stories on the Richmond area scene. Please feel free to leave us comments. Join the MusicRVA Forum

MusicRVA is always looking for more writers! If you would like to write copy for the site please join the network forum above and ontact me.

If you would like to leave commentary on the blog, we welcome interaction. State your thoughts - Speak your mind!

Monday, January 7, 2008

UPDATE: New Forms, New Tools, New Toys....

MusicRVA contact forms are finally in place.

Bands and venues now have thier own forms to request a link to the site, as well as services such as studios, radio, etc, can use the same form.

Find that form at REQUEST A LINK.

Writers now also have a form to submit your info to be a writer for the site. You can find that form at WRITING REQUEST.

The site has a new interactive guestbook that you can find on the contact page CONTACT. please stop by and sign it, and add your image or logo.

In case you don't know yet, the video area is up and running, and the vids are definately getting watched according to stats, Yippee!!
I will also be adding a local band Playlist to the site, which will be available shortly.

I have been trying out some new toys, like voice mail, we will see if they will sink or swim. I like to experiment with widgets, and if they work, great, and if not, se la vie!! It's always fun to see what new technology and toys the internet can come up with LOL

Check out the site for more info, and listen to this months spotlight bands.

Thats it for now...........

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