Welcome to Richmond Virginia and it's surrounding areas. This website is about Richmond bands, venues, music, the arts, people and lifestyles.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

New Articles and Reviews Blog

I have decided to serve the writers published pages on another blog instead of directly on the site for several reasons. First and foremost, Blogger recieves a tremendous amount of traffic, and this will not only help the site rankings, but it will enable our authors and writers much more exposure than the site alone can give them. It will also be easier to read and organise. MRVA writers who have proved to be exceptionally good at what they do will eventually also be given permission to publish directly to the blog. This will make the published material hit the media faster, and will allow for atom and RSS feeds. There is also a new feed box especially for this purpose on the site. Just click on any article title that interests you and you will be taken directly here.

Find the new Article and Reviews Blog here!

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