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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cable loses the Battle against Direct TV AGAIN!

A few weeks ago I told you how Stephen and myself were glad to have installed a Direct TV Satellite.

Well if I did not convince you then, here is another reason. Last weekend we got all geared up to watch a show we were looking forward to, our neighbor across the street was looking forward to the same show. She has cable, and of course, we have directtv. Well we live in Virginia, and last weekend the winds were so strong that it was picking things up out of our yard and tossing them yards away, whew.

Don't you know, that about an hour before the show was to air, the electricity went out for about 20 minutes, we were all worried that it would be out for the night, but lucky that it was only out for 20 minutes. We got a phone call from the girl across the street, asking if our TV was working, and that hers only had static. "No, ours is just fine."

She was bummed, so we told her to come watch it with us, cause we had directv and everything was working fine, so she ran over.

You see, when the electricity goes out, sometimes for some odd reason, the cable gets screwed up too, at least in this area. When we went to answer the door to let her in, 2 cable trucks were slowly driving and stopping along our street, and this is a site that really isn't uncommon either. I swear we laugh everytime we see that happen, even tho it isn't very funny to the rest of the neighborhood.

Out of our whole block, we and 3 others are the only ones with a directtv satellite. I think Gina is convinced now, and may be switching.

HA HA, cable sucks, and DIRECT TV is King!!!


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